Unlocked media

Craft & Design
Unlocked media

Neuros has a logo / idea so you can tell which devices are DRM free. “Unlocked”. Maybe they could also include URL on the device where you can download the open firmware, schematics, source etc… We’ll do our best to do that and will continue to try and keep our little store stock with open hardware here at MAKE. Anyway, this is a good start, maybe we’ll see some indicator of open products as more vendors move away for FairPlaysforSureVistaReadyEtc –

In response to the branded, proprietary DRM schemes like Microsoft’s “plays for sure” and Apple’s “FairPlay,” Neuros has created an “Unlocked” Media trademark to promote the concept of open standard DRM-Free files that can be stored and played anywhere.

We hope that other organizations (community and for profit) will adopt this mark for products that generate such files (or stores that sell such files), and create a grass roots movement in support of unlocked files and put consumers back in control of their media.

Unlocked Media – open.neurostechnology.com – Link.

Make Pt0191
If you can’t open it, you don’t own it: a Maker’s Bill of Rights to accessible, extensive, and repairable hardware – Link (PDF).

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