We Want to See Your Awesome Halloween Projects!

Costumes, Cosplay, and Props Craft & Design
We Want to See Your Awesome Halloween Projects!
Costumes for kids who use wheelchairs by Ryan and Lana Weimer

October is here! Halloween is only a few weeks away! For many of us, Halloween is the quintessential Maker holiday. The culture of making something for Halloween has grown and grown. The beginning of October marks the start of a steady march toward the fever pitch of Halloween night. We’ll see decorations, costumes, sights, and sounds popping up all over the internet.

halloween issue
Special Halloween Edition of Make:, Available in the Maker Shed

If you find that maybe you need a little inspiration, you should check out our special Halloween issue that includes 42 unique projects you can build yourself.

Inside, you’ll find guides for building costumes, edible treats, and decorations to make sure that your Halloween is the creepiest it can possibly be.

We’re working on some fun projects of our own, here in the Make: Lab in San Francisco, but we also want to hear about what you’re building! Send us your Halloween project plans and we’ll share them with our readers. Keep in mind, the more pictures the better, so get your camera out and be sure to take a snapshot of every step of the process.

Once you’ve got something fun to share, even if it is from last year, email us and we’ll take a look at it!

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at CalebKraft.com

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