I really enjoy maker YouTube channels that take you on a journey. It’s fascinating and fun to follow someone through a project and to look over their shoulder as they go about being an amateur or professional maker. We get that, in spades, on talented cartoonist and kinetic artist, Sarah Petkus’ channel, Gravity Road.
Gravity Road is the name of a webcomic that Sarah does. In the comic, she introduced a 4-legged walker robot named NoodleFeet. Like any self-respecting maker, she decided to try her hand at bringing NoodleFeet to life. We get to go along for that ride as Sarah works her way through all of the significant design and engineering challenges that Noodle presents.
In the comic, Noodle has “tasting feet,” legs with various types of tasting, licking, grabbing, planting, and other functions. Sarah is working to create a whole series of interchangeable leg modules that can perform all of these functions. The channel also includes some art projects she’s been involved with and some speed painting of her Gravity Road cartoon. Cool, inspiring stuff all around.
You can follow Sarah’s blog here.