LA artist and potter (and self-described “incurable dreamer”), Jedediah Voltz, creates the most magical little wonderlands inside of pots and in the leaves and limbs of potted plants. These are tiny worlds you can lose yourself inside of. And for those who model and paint sci-fi and fantasy miniatures, it’s fine to look through Jed’s work and identify the various model parts (called “bitz” in the hobby) that he’s used.
The art and design site, Colossal, has done two pieces on Voltz’s work, on his treehouses in potted plants, and one on his houses inside of the pots themselves. A sampling of images from both these series is below.
You can see more of Jed’s amazing work on his Instagram feed. Voltz’s work is also be port of a group show of artists working with miniatures now showing at the Galley of Small Art in Yonkers, NY. The show opened on May 5th, 2018 and runs until July 22nd.