Back at Quilt Market in October, I was particularly excited to get a sneak peek of more needlework love in Anna Maria Horner’s booth. In addition to her gorgeous fabrics, sewing patterns and books, Horner recently released embroidery kits of specially-selected embroidery floss to coordinate with her fabrics. A Quilt Market, though, an even newer needlwork addition was on display: needlepoint kits. The canvases were so new that they hadn’t even had time to be stitched before Quilt Market, but even unstitched, they were beautiful. (you can see a picture of the un-stitched canvases at the bottom of this post) I was excited to see Horner’s post with some of the canvases stitched on her blog this week. They are stunning. I can’t wait to get my hands on one!
Bold Inspiration: Fabric Designer, Anna Maria Horner, shares her philosophies on design, family life and achieving your dreams.
A Look in to Anna Maria Horner’s New Home Studio