Pillow Challenge Week


Today is the start of Pillow Challenge Week over at House on Hill Road and runs through Sunday, November 13th. I love all the tutorials and tips that have been leading up to the challenge covering fabrics, fit, and closures.
Erin of House on Hill Road writes:

The idea is that you can spruce up your home, or sew some gifts, in a short amount of time. I’m going to try to make a pillow a day – maybe more if time allows. Most of the projects I have in mind are fairly straight-forward, no complicated piecing or quilting, so I think one a day is manageable. But, if you are wanting to play with scraps and piece together something more complicated, think about trying to work on your pillow(s) for an hour a day. I am always amazed at just how much I can actually accomplish when I focus on one task for an hour. Plus, with a basic pillow being four easy seams, it’s a fast project with immediate results. Just the kind I like.

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