Spin to Knit is a fantastic book by Shannon Okey. Shannon and Interweave Press are also hosting a “Spin to Knit Handspun Secret Pals Swap” where you’ll be able to swap handspun yarn for 2 months and make a new crafty friend! Hurry up! The deadline is coming up on December 1st.
From the site:
“By participating in the Handspun Secret Pals Swap you’ll receive two handspun skeins of yarns–one in January and one in February 2007–from your anonymous upstream secret pal; in return, you are also required to mail two handspun skeins in two months to your assigned downstream pal. This exchange is open to spinners everywhere, with pal categories for beginner, intermediate, and advanced spinners; participants are required to have a blog and skeins must be handspun by you.” Link.
Shannon Okey’s knitgrrl site with more swap info – Link.
Spin to Knit Book Review and Interview with author Shannon Okey – Link.
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