It’s time for more crafty comment fun! We’re featuring some of our favorite reader feedback here on the blog, over on Facebook and from our Twitter followers. Let’s jump right in!
There were some great tips and ideas over on Facebook in response to Kristin’s Frappacheapo that I featured last week. I liked Stacie Haber Bicknell’s idea for making a Frappacheapo on the go.
Since I normally don’t brew coffee at home, I’ve been putting a package of VIA in my 24 oz. Camelback with about 6 oz. water, 10 oz. skim milk and a bunch of ice. Sometimes I put in some Vanilla creamer or chocolate syrup. Talk about tasty!
Rachel James had an interesting alternative to the honey-sweetener idea.
I like maple syrup in coffee. It adds a mild sweetness and nuttiness.
I’m still drooling over the idea of making my own home version of these Girl Scout Cookies, and love the bit of trivia that reader, elaposata, passed on regarding the difference between Samoas and Carmel DeLites.
Delicious, but just to be nit-picky…they are still Samoas if they were made in Louisville, Kentucky. There are two bakeries for girl scout cookies, one in Richmond, VA and the other in Kentucky. If these cookies are made in Richmond, VA then they are called Caramel DeLites (and taste slightly different) if they are made in Kentucky they are still Samoas. Same goes for Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties….
Just this morning, PterodactylPants, chimed in on the Fabulous French Knot Monogram post to share another version of French Knot fun … broccoli.
French knots are beautiful – as is this piece. They also make great broccoli.