Zombies, Robots and Bears, Oh My!

Craft & Design
Zombies, Robots and Bears, Oh My!

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Nat writes – “In honor of CRAFT magazine, Craftster.org’s Leah Kramer helped host a cool craft challenge — a call to crafters to make a zombie, robot, or bear based on our feature cover story. Here’s the winner, MariskaLovesCrafts, who made a stuffed Zombie bear. She’ll be getting a free one year subscription to CRAFT! Congrats! See more on the winner and the rest of the runner ups!” [via] – Link.


  • Get CRAFT! Avoid the crushing disappointment of an empty newsstand, reserve a copy by subscribing today! Use the MAKE4CRAFT code and receive the cool new CRAFT T-shirt – Link.
  • CRAFT blog – Link.

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