Microsoft recently launched a whole suite of accessible input devices. They’ve really been leading the industry in designing devices specifically for greater accessibility for those that might have limb differences or movement restrictions.
This set, specifically is interesting because MS is dabbling in letting users customize their stuff using 3D Printing!
You can purchase the base units from Microsoft, then go to shapeways to select the various customizations you might need to have printed and delivered. The system is, in my opinion, a massive stride toward greater ease of use from a commercial product.
The core and driving force behind this project was Microsoft Senior Designer John Helmes, who’s daughter needed some customized devices. Helmes came to 3D printing through various accessories he needed for his daughter and realized that this might be a perfect area for Microsoft to approach. He showed his prototypes at an internal hackathon, and the rest is history.
There really is more to this story, and it deserves some attention so please go to the medium post that lays out the entire process and shows even more of the prototypes to read the entire tale.