3D Printing Shootout Weekend Returns!

3D Printing & Imaging Technology

MAKE is excited to announce that our second 3D Printing Shootout Weekend will be held this Friday, Aug, 2  through Sunday, Aug. 4.  This year the testing is bigger than ever with a team of 15 testers carefully reviewing 21 printers of all makes and models. The results of the testing will be featured in the buying guide section of MAKE’s forthcoming special 3D printing issue available in mid-November.


This issue will be our follow-up to the popular Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing which has sold out in print form, but is still available as a PDF download or as a soon-to-be released book.  We are proud to announce that this year’s edition will feature a head-to-head comparison of two desktop resin printers that were in our “ones to watch” section last year: the Form 1 and B9 creator.

Check out our Form 1 unboxing video:

YouTube player

The B9 Creator has just arrived at our offices, so we don’t yet have prints to share. However, we have had the Form 1 for a few days. Pictured below is a teaser print of the Subdivision bracelet from nervoussystem printed on the Form 1 and still attached to the print bed, before the removal of the support material.



In addition to the resin printers, we will also review another “one to watch”, the new deltabot printer, the Mini Kossel from Terence Tam at OpenBeam. The OpenBeam Mini Kossel (pictured below) will go on sale next month. In the meantime, check out its brother, the OpenBeam Kossel Pro on Kickstarter, which won an “Editor’s Choice” award at Maker Faire Bay Area.


For more information on these printers (and many others), look for the special issue on newsstands and in the Maker Shed in mid-November to learn which printer is right for you!

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Anna Kaziunas France is interested practical digital fabrication focused project documentation (anything that turns codes into things), as well as adventures in synthetic biology, biohacking, personal genomics and programmable materials.

She's currently working on the forthcoming book "Design for CNC: Practical Joinery Techniques, Projects, and Tips for CNC-routed Furniture".

She’s also the Academic Dean of the global Fab Academy program, the co-author of Getting Started with MakerBot and compiled the Make: 3D Printing book.

Formerly, she worked as an editor for Make: Books, was digital fabrication editor and skill builder section editor for Make: Magazine, and directed Make:'s 2015 and 2014 3D Printer Shootout testing events.

She likes things that are computer-controlled, parametric, and open— preferably all three.

Find her on her personal site, Twitter and Facebook.

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