Building a Robot for the 21st Century - Make: Building a Robot for the 21st Century - Make:

Building a Robot for the 21st Century

3D Printing & Imaging Robotics Technology
Building a Robot for the 21st Century

This year at MAKE’s Hardware innovation Workshop, Intel’s Futurist Brian David Johnson introduced a 21stCentury robot that is easy to build, completely open source, and filled with humanity. The idea is to enable as many people as possible to design, print and program robots. The robot he brought with him to the event was made entirely on a Makerbot Replicator2. I was recruited to build another version of the robot printed at Shapeways in laser sintered nylon. Be sure to stop by the Make tent at World Maker Faire New York to see Jimmy. Yes, his name is Jimmy. Why? Because every robot should have a name.

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