Let me be up front with you, MAKE readers; I was a really weird kid growing up. Among the really weird things I would do: I would eat my cereal without milk, in a bowl, with a spoon. And just as a fair warning to those of you who might happen to eat breakfast with me one day: that’s one thing that I still do to this day. One weird cereal-related habit I did break was sorting out my Lucky Charms. See, I believe in saving the best for last, and who could dispute the fact that the best part of Lucky Charms is the multi-colored marshmallow bits (or marbits)? Don’t get me wrong, I had a deep appreciation for the the toasted oat-based pieces, but the marbits were the pièce de résistance of this magically delicious cereal.
If I were six years old today, I would owe a huge debt of gratitude to Thingiverse user Thomas Lombardi, who created this 3D printable Lucky Charms sorter. There’s no doubt that we’re in the midst of a 3D printing revolution, but nothing has made me happier about it than this incredible invention. It’s an absolutely brilliant idea, it has been brought to fruition, and now it has been shared with the masses. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what the 3D printing revolution is all about. [via The Daily What]