Start with a series of rings drawn onto pine boards. I used a roll of tape as the template.
Make cuts into the wood like this. It will help the bandsaw cut around the tight curve.
The bandsaw’s isn’t going to want to cut around such a tight curve. The cuts remove segments around the egde, giving the saw blade more room to flex.
Cut out as many disks as you think you’ll need.
Using a hole saw, cut out the inside of the disc. Be sure to save solid discs for the top and bottom!
Surprise, the circular shape spun around, so I had to clamp it into place.
OW! OK, maybe cut out the outer circle AFTER the hole saw has done its work.
On the bottom disk, add some glue and start stacking rings!
Each layer needs only a smidgen of glue.
Once your stack is complete, clamp it and leave it overnight.
The next day, put the rough tube in the lathe.
You’re done! Now to open it up and add components.
I tried cutting along the short axis, but next time I'll split it in two lengthwise.
Want to make a wooden enclosure in the shape of a tube? This project uses scrap pine, cut into ring shapes and then glued. You can then smooth the outside in a lathe, then cut it open to add the guts of the project. Follow along with the slides above to see how to make one of your own.
By the way, this cylinder is one of the enclosures from my latest book, Arduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs (Que, ISBN: 978-0789748836; you can pre-order it on Amazon if it looks useful to you.)
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