Upcoming classes at Madagascar Institute, Brooklyn, NY

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Upcoming classes at Madagascar Institute, Brooklyn, NY

Anybody who was at the World Maker Faire likely saw all of the energy that the Madagascar Institute put into the event. It was truly an impressive effort on their part. So, we thought we’d show them a little more love and help promote some of their upcoming classes. If you’re in the NYC-area, and want to learn from these creative chaotitians, here’s what they currently have on offer.

Class: Knot Tying
Artstar: Lindsay
When: Friday, Oct 15 7-8:30pm
Cost: $20


Learn basic knot tying skills from the Bowline to Trucker’s Hitch. Impress your friends with knowing how to tie a knot and when to use it.One of the single most useful skills, and the best way to fake all-encompassing competence- step up out the background and tie a clever knot to secure an awkward load to the top of the truck, and the next thing you know people will be deferring to your opinion, no matter how poorly reasoned, and handing you the keys to their helicopter without question. A shockingly low percentage of people know how to tie knots, and if you become one of the elect, you will always be useful, will always be called upon.

Class: Casting 101 – Waste Molds
Artstar: Lindsay
When: [THIS IS A 2 PART CLASS] Saturday 12-3pm & Sunday 12-3pm
Cost: $60 with a $20 materials fee


Learn how to make a plaster waste mold and cast a clay piece in Hydrocal or Plaster. The best way to make a cheap mold for simple forms. Bring an object or a water-based clay piece that you would like to cast or make something quick at the shop.

**Please RSVP and email an image or description of the object you will be casting.**

Class: TIG Welding
Artstar: Ben Mortimer
When: Tuesday, Oct 26 6-9pm
Cost: $50 plus a $10 materials fee


TIG is the welding method used for the most technical and demanding welding applications done, from aerospace to drag racers. Because of this, it has a certain mystique and a reputation for being the last type of welding one should try to master. I personally don’t think this way. TIG allows the learner to see exactly what is going on as a weld is executed, up close and without being showered in splatter. As such, this class is being offered to anyone willing to find out the hard way that “metal gets hot when you weld it.”

Bring leather gloves and eye protection, and wear heavy-duty all natural fibers, in other words, jeans and a long sleeve shirt. And no open toed shoes. Boots are ideal. Polyester and nylon will melt onto your skin if hot molten metal drops onto them, and ouch, that hurts. You will get very dirty.

Class: MIG Welding with KIM!
Artstar: KIM!
When: Saturday, Nov 6 2-5pm
Cost: $50 plus a $10 materials fee


Impress your friends, your older brother, and that cute bartender, with your tough new skill. This 3-hour introductory welding class will teach you the very basics of MIG welding and familiarize you with the tools you’ll need to finish a project- the grinder, the chop saw, etc. MIG welding is the handy hot glue do-all kind of welding, the primary kind of welding used in making traincars, art, cranes, etc. All sorts of people have come thru Madagascar Institute knowing nothing about a shop and have become capable metal workers, get your start here. This class focuses on the hands-on experience of welding. You will learn a little of the theory and tech behind it, but mostly you will get a feel for the manual skill of welding.

If you come with an idea for a small, simple project, chances are you can finish it by the end of the class

Bring leather gloves and eye protection, and wear heavy-duty all natural fibers, in other words, jeans and a long sleeve shirt. And no open toed shoes. Boots are ideal. Polyester and nylon will melt onto your skin if hot molten metal drops onto them, and ouch, that hurts. You will get very dirty.


Stay tuned for announcements about our next wave of classes. A few things in the works: more welding classes, metal sculpture/public art creation, sewing, corset making.

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at garstipsandtools.com.

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