We enjoy having guests here at MAKE HQ and recently we had an opportunity to show some amazing people around. Eight members of the IDEO team visited the MAKE office and lab to share ideas, plan future collaboration, and have fun. IDEO is a famous design consultancy based in Palo Alto with offices in San Francisco and around the world.
They got the standard tour of the office. The MAKE design team discussed our magazine’s new look. I showed off a Replicator 2 we reviewed for our upcoming 3D printer buyers guide special issue. And then it was time for soldering. MAKE’s Sheena Stevens, who has two Maker Faire’s worth of soldering instruction under her belt, did the teaching, so everyone had a blinking bot pin in no time.
Thanks to everyone who helped set up this awesome field trip and to the rest of the IDEO team for coming along! We look forward to more partnerships and fun in the future.