July Maker Training Camps Start TODAY - Make: July Maker Training Camps Start TODAY - Make:

July Maker Training Camps Start TODAY


July marks the second month of our Maker Training Camps. This month, we will start new Camps for Introduction to Arduino, Introduction to Raspberry Pi and Design for 3-D Printing.  In addition, we will be starting a free class called Making for Moms, which will encourage and inspire you to connect with your inner Rosie the Riveter to learn soldering, beginning circuitry and how to make a digital watch.

In the June Camps, students from the Netherlands, Singapore and the US used what they were learning to create projects such as a Tachikoma robot (Design for 3-D printing), a Raspberry Pi streaming music player, a detailed human figure doing tree pose and an Arduino coffee can robot, just to name a few.  Students in June found that they were spending an average of 45 minutes per week watching the lectures plus another hour or so on the weekly project.

All of our Camps offered in July are four weeks long and consist of a lecture, a project and optional office hours each week. Though the official start is July 1, you’re welcome to join at any point. You will have access to the course material forever.  Each Camp also includes a Google community to make it easy to collaborate with the teacher and other students.

Sign up here and learn new maker skills with others just like you.

Introduction to Arduino
You’ve heard about fun things you can do with an Arduino, but maybe aren’t sure where to start? This is the camp for you. Learn how to setup, program, troubleshoot, and design circuits for your Arduino as well as create an open-ended final project to share with the class.

Introduction to Raspberry Pi

Learn the basic building blocks of Raspberry Pi and create maker applications for this tiny Linux computer. Find out how to write quick interactive applications using IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment). Fun projects include creating a game simulator and a calculator.

Design for 3-D Printing

Desktop 3D printers are hot! These powerful tools for designers and hobbyists present new opportunities and challenges. Learn to optimize existing 3D designs and create new designs that bend the rules, and push the limits of what’s possible.

Making for Moms

Moms are natural Makers who sometimes just need a little reminding of all the things they already make (children, meals, art projects, jobs, companies, etc.).  Unfortunately, sometimes Moms lack the confidence to tinker in the shop, explore unfamiliar tools and technologies, or ask questions that may reveal they might not be the all-knowing oracles their children expect.

M2 Bootcamp is designed to “reconnect” you with your inner Rosie the Riveter through discussions, worksheets/journal prompts, and projects straight from the MakerShed.  This 3 week course of projects with the theme of “Connecting” will take  students on an incremental journey through painted circuits, soldering, and a final wearable keepsake.

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