We hope you and your family are having fun learning how to solder. If you are, take some pictures and load them to the MAKE Flickr pool. The first five people who load family soldering pics and tag them “MAKEcation” will get a free Maker’s Notebook.
To help give you some ideas for projects you can do, we’ve put together some of our favorites from the site. We tried to pick ones that are easy enough that a beginner can handle, but where you also get something useful (and/or fun) for your effort. If you are working on some soldering projects with the family, please tell us what they are in the comments.
Make a pocket LED cube – Weekend Projects Podcast
Make a pocket LED cube – Weekend Project PDFcast
Tiny Cylon Kit (one of the three kits in the Teach Your Family to Solder bundle)
MintyBoost USB Charger Kit v2.0
Make a Joule Thief – Weekend Projects Video Podcast
Many other Joule Thief projects on Make: Online
How-To: Build BEAM vibrobots
LED Hula Hoop
Maker Shed also offers an LED Hula Hoop kit with everything you need.
In the Maker Shed:
And don’t forget, the Maker Shed has a special “Teach Your Family to Solder” bundle: