AS220 Labs is extending its popular Make and Break series of workshops into a special edition just for teens at the Cranston (Rhode Island) Public Library:
When: Tuesday, March 10, 4 – 6 pm
Where: Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Road
Teens! Do you like to tinker? Come join us at the Cranston Public Library for Make and Break: Build a 555 Noisekit! – a workshop designed to inspire you to further investigate electronics technology and technology-based scientific inquiry. An instructor from AS220 Labs will show you how to use an old reliable integrated circuit – the 555 timer – to produce electrifying noisemusik. You will leave with a completed project that that can be plugged into any amplifier, computer speaker, or home stereo. All soldering tools and materials will be provided free of charge.
This program is funded by a YALSA Teen Tech Week Mini Grant!
To register, call 401 943-9080 x 5
Make and Break at Cranston Public Library: Build a Noisekit! – AS220 Labs