Craftland Opening Party in Providence, RI this Friday, Nov 30


If you are near the Providence, RI area come by the opening party for Craftland (235 Westminster Street) Friday, November 30 from 5-9 PM for some fun filled craft-geekery. Brian Jepson, Rhode Island’s local MAKE and CRAFT geek, will be showing off cool stuff you can make with LEDs, assuming he hasn’t broken any of it between now and then: Ever wish you could control each holiday light individually? Check out an Arduino-powered set of 64 green and red holiday lights that you can weave yourself with LEDs, wires, and patience. If you prefer something a little more personal and wearable, you’ll be able to see the LilyPad Arduino in action, too. Craftland runs from December 1-22 with the following schedule: Wednesday – Sunday 11am-6pm, Open late: Thursdays and Saturdays 11am-8pm. Don’t miss your chance to do some holiday shopping with all the cool indie wares — the perfect way to shop for the holidays! Link.

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