Dorkbot DC meeting, this Thursday, Feb 4 at HacDC - Make: Dorkbot DC meeting, this Thursday, Feb 4 at HacDC - Make:

Dorkbot DC meeting, this Thursday, Feb 4 at HacDC

Dorkbot DC meeting, this Thursday, Feb 4 at HacDC

If you’re in DC this Thursday, Feb 4th, please stop by HacDC and catch this month’s Dorkbot DC gathering. We have two amazing presenters this month, Andy Holtin and Atau Tanka. Those involved with Maker Faire Austin may remember Andy’s involvement there (and my recent piece about his work here on the site). Atau is a well-known, pioneering artist in the fields of high-tech interactive art and music. Hope to see you there!

About this month’s presenters:

Glance from Andy Holtin on Vimeo.

ANDY HOLTIN : “How to Fit as Many Steps as Possible Into Ideas that Started Out Really Simple”

Working on his new project “Glance” allowed Andy to explore and employ a surprisingly wide variety of processes, both artistical and technical. He’ll be sharing his obstacles and the solutions they generated.

Andy Holtin is a master builder, professor of art, and a sculptor working with computer and microcontroller-based sculpture. His work was recently featured on Make: Online. He received his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University’s Sculpture and Extended Media program. His work uses technology to create perfomative objects and interactive installations, incorporating a range of materials and processes. Holtin currently works as half of the collaborative duo CausalityLabs.


ATAU TANAKA: “Current research”

Atau will talk about his current research in Mobile and Locative Media Art, Interactive Performance, and Creative practice on Public Displays.

Atau Tanaka bridges the fields of media art, experimental music, and research. He worked at IRCAM, was Artistic Ambassador for Apple France, and was researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratory Paris, and was an Artistic Co-Director of STEIM in Amsterdam. Atau creates sensor-based musical instruments for performance, and is known for his work with biosignal interfaces. He seeks to harness collective musical creativity in mobile environments, seeking out the continued place of the artist in democratized digital forms. His work has been presented at Ars Electronica, SFMOMA, Eyebeam, V2, ICC, and ZKM and has been mentor at NESTA.

Note: Atau’s colleague from Sensorband, Zbigniew Karkovski, will be performing on February 27th for DC’s premier new music presenter, Sonic Circuits.

As usual, we’ll also have Interdork, an opportunity for announcements and ad hoc show and tell, and Afterdork, where the coversation continues over food and drink at a nearby eatery.

February 2010 Dorkbot DC meeting
Thursday, February 4th, 7:00PM (ET)
HacDC (St. Stephen’s Church, in the church’s sanctuary)
1525 Newton St NW
Washington DC 20010
Google map
A co-presentation with HacDC

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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