Sous vide cooking, immersing vacuum-sealed foods in temperature-controlled hot water, is all the rage in culinary circles, touting incomparable results achieving optimal doneness. But the price tag on most commercially produced machines is a bit steep, with $300 being the bare minimum, on upward to the thousands. Seattle Food Geek Scott Heimendinger was intrigued, but decided it was a steep investment for something that essentially keeps water warm, so he DIYed it for about $75 in parts, and shared it with us on the pages of MAKE Volume 25.
Apparently cooking an egg sous vide style yields incredible results, with perfectly soft whites and a yolk the consistency of rich pudding. Scott took it to the next level and quickly deep fried the egg to add a crunchy shell (his recipe).
Hungry yet? Interested in making your own? We’ve shared the entire project in our DIY library, Make: Projects. Check out all the detailed instructions, see the images in a variety of sizes, add comments, and collaborate. Check out the sneak peek mini version here below but head to Make: Projects for the more robust version.
Check out MAKE Volume 25:
MAKE Volume 25: Arduino Revolution
Give your gadgets a brain! Previously out of reach for the do-it-yourselfer, the tiny computers called microcontrollers are now so cheap and easy to use that anyone can make their stuff smart. With a microcontroller, your gadget can sense the environment, talk to the internet or other hardware, and make things happen in the real world by controlling motors, lights, or any electronic device.
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