Peruvian Corn Snack: Cancha

Food & Beverage
Peruvian Corn Snack: Cancha

Last night I went to a Peruvian restaurant and ate some delicious food. My favorite thing was actually just the complimentary snack they put on the table to keep you from eating your own fingers out of hunger before your first dish arrives. It’s called cancha, and it is giant kernels of corn, roasted and salted. It is warm, a little sweet, and delicious. Forget Corn Nuts, or even Inka Corn — this is way better!
Jessie on Absolutely Ravenous has instructions for making this enjoyable snack. I guess the trick would be finding the corn that has giant kernels, but she says you can find them at most Hispanic markets.
The other dish that stood out was a mango-lime prawn ceviche. Tangy, spicy, and delicious. If you’ve never tried Peruvian food, I highly recommend it!

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