South African Vetkoek - Make: South African Vetkoek - Make:

South African Vetkoek

Food & Beverage

My post yesterday must have gotten me to thinking about not-so-healthy food in the Southern Hemisphere, because today, vetkoek was on my mind (pronounced “fet cook”).
When I visited my sister in South Africa several years ago, I stayed at the winery (called a “wine farm”) where my sister was living and working. One magical evening, the cook made us pastries filled with seasoned ground meat, called vetkoek. Yum! We ate them leaning against the stainless steel counters of the big industrial kitchen, with the winemaker, drinking some nice wine and talking. Vetkoek literally translates from Afrikaans as “fat cake,” so there’s really no getting around the fact that it’s an indulgence. But having said that, it’s definitely one you should try.
Myfrenchkitchen, a blog maintained by a South African now living in Touraine, France, has a sweet post reminiscing about South Africa, along with a recipe for vetkoek.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

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