Hah! This is awesome, Slashdot has a quick blurb on the the first Commodore 64 LAN party!
The world’s first Commodore 64 LAN party was held at the Cincinnati Commodore Computer Club 2008 Expo last weekend, where the new multiplayer C64 game NetRacer was unveiled. The setup consists of up to eight Commodore 64s with Ethernet cartridges and a central server written in Java running on a PC. The game is also playable over the Internet.
C64 wordpress theme.
Shredz64: Guitar Hero for C64.
C64 USB keyboard.
Adding Ports and Power to the C64 DTV.
64HDD – PC hard drive for your Commodore 64.
From the pages of MAKE:
Hacking the C64 DTV.
Make – Volume 02 – DIY (Page 152).