Craft Your Own Paper Board Game - Make: Craft Your Own Paper Board Game - Make:

Craft Your Own Paper Board Game

Craft & Design Fun & Games Home Paper Crafts
Craft Your Own Paper Board Game

Makers come from all backgrounds of life. One of my personal favorites are game makers. I’m a big fan of card and board games, and love individuals, like Ataya P, who are able to craft their own fun pastime. Ataya said:

One day, I just missed the old time when I was young and had no any electronic devices. I played board game with my friends and It’s a good memory.

So, I decided to make my own board game. It has all components in only A4 size paper. The rules are easy, just like snake & ladder game only when your avatar reach the number plate then player has to toss a dice again and warp your avator to slot that match the dice number you got.

A4 Paper Board Game

Check out Ataya P’s full project on Maker Share.

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Jordan has spent much of his life writing about his many geeky pastimes. He's particularly passionate about indie game design and Japanese art, but loves interacting with creators from all walks of life.

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