Gameboy gets implanted inside a TI-83 series calculator - Make: Gameboy gets implanted inside a TI-83 series calculator - Make:

Gameboy gets implanted inside a TI-83 series calculator

Craft & Design Fun & Games Technology
Gameboy gets implanted inside a TI-83 series calculator

This hack shows how to stuff a Nintendo Gameboy inside the housing of a TI-83 series calculator. We’ve seen the cool things these calculators can be hacked to do, but we haven’t seen someone take it this far. Unfortunately, I think it would be more impressive if he got the TI-83’s hardware to play Gameboy games, rather than just soldering the keys to the original Gameboy’s controller. Oh well, still a nice site with lots of pics of the build.

GameBoy Color inside a TI-83 series calculator

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