Jean Simonet is a former AAA game developer, having worked on such titles as Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 & 4. This past weekend, Jean was at Maker Faire Bay Area demonstrating a set of programmable, color LED-addressable, Bluetooth-connected six-sided dice.
Make:’s Caleb Kraft caught up with Jean at his booth at the Faire and captured this video.
Folks have been experimenting with this type of e-dice for a while now, trying to get them small enough and to figure out what a killer application for them might be. Thus far, attempts at analog/digital hybrid games have been very hit and miss, but this is obviously a category that could have a lot of potential.
It will be interesting to see where this tech goes and what some of the eventual applications might be. You can follow Jean’s efforts here. The Web addresses he gives at the end of the video are not active, but maybe they will be soon.