Kristal – Grow your own crystals

Craft & Design Fun & Games Science
Kristal – Grow your own crystals

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@The NYC Toy fair 2008 I saw Kristal’s crystals for the first time in person, these are quartz-looking crystals you grow yourself. The crystal growth can be speed up and slowed down depending on the temperature, they grow in 2 to 7 days, but can grow longer/bigger for as long as you keep them in the solution (and until it evaporates). They beautiful to view and depending on the kit you can also learn about crystal growth experiments onboard the International Space Station.

Oh, they also told me that the crystals are made from the same stuff that (at the most) just makes your vomit, so they’re non-toxic.

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Space Station

  • Kristal- Link.
  • More photos of Kristal @ Flickr – Link.
  • Giant set of NYC Toy fair 2008 photos @ Flickr – Link.
  • MAKE’s coverage of the NYC Toy Faire 2008 in one place! – Link.
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