LEGO Mindstorms NXT: The Mayan Adventure

Fun & Games
LEGO Mindstorms NXT: The Mayan Adventure

This is a neat approach to a LEGO robotics book, a fictional story – then jumping in to the how-to to actually build it…

‘LEGO Mindstorms NXT: The Mayan Adventure’ by James Floyd Kelly, is a robot building book with a difference. It takes you on a journey with Evan and his archaeologist uncle as they explore a Mayan pyramid. During the expedition, they encounter various problems, with solutions that require the use of unique NXT robots. From theories and concepts, through to practical building and programming techniques, robot builders both young and old, will find this a fun and rewarding title.

‘Lego Mindstorms NXT: The Mayan Advanture’ is available at all good bookstores, whether ‘real’ or online- Link & Amazon.

As a special treat here’s a PDF Apress put together just for MAKE readers! – Link.

Thanks Pete!

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