LEGO Pinball machine

Fun & Games
LEGO Pinball machine

The NXTblog is doing a look back at pre-NXT Mindstorm creations starting off with this one, a LEGO pinball machine – “Designed and built by Gerrit Bronsveld and Martijn Boogaarts, this fully functional pinball machine boasts a number of novel features, including a working coin slot (50 cent Euro coins only, please!), a functional tilt switch (to detect table movement), rotation bumpers (to generate extra ball speed) and an automatic ball-kickback mechanism. Thirteen RCX units were used to control all of the board functions, driven by custom programs written using the alternate NQC (Not Quite C) programming language. Gerrit and Martijn used more than 20,000 LEGO bricks in their creation, along with an equally impressive number of other elements”Link.

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