Dunno how many retro wargaming enthusiasts we have in our audience. I know Gareth and I definitely qualify, and I’d bet dollars to donuts that many of you at least recognize the name Ogre. If not, here’s my best off-the-cuff haiku:
Bees can kill a bear
Simple rules, a subtle game
Our future is blood
And here’s the Wikipedia entry if that was less than helpful to you.
The first original project I ever did for MAKE was a method for making wargaming counters out of Shrinky Dinks, using a set of Ogre gamepieces as an example.
In 1977, the original edition of Ogre was a young Steve Jackson’s first commercial game offering. I was two years old. Since that time, Ogre has been through five editions, and whispers of a sixth have been percolating among the Illuminati for years.
Now it’s here. Steve set out to fund the project on Kickstarter, seeking $20,000. As of today, they’re about to break $440K, with a week still to go. They keep blasting through their stretch goals, and the game they’re going to make keeps getting better and better as a result. [Thanks, MikeG!]
Ogre Designer’s Edition by Steve Jackson Games — Kickstarter