Opabinia Regalis: A Pyrotechnical Precambrian Pedal Car - Make: Opabinia Regalis: A Pyrotechnical Precambrian Pedal Car - Make:

Opabinia Regalis: A Pyrotechnical Precambrian Pedal Car

Bikes Fun & Games

The day before Maker Faire Bay Area opened, we ran into Kurt and Bobbi Pires putting the finishing touches on a unique quadricycle in the South Lot of the fairgrounds. Dubbed Opabinia Regalis, the vehicle is named after an extinct Precambrian creature and has now been reborn as an angry, fire-spewing art bike. Crafted by Bobbi with the help of Kurt and three others, this extinct animal on wheels made the rounds at Maker Faire Bay Area 2011, delighting visitors with its five eyeballs and flame-shooting proboscis.

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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