Sony suffers second data breach

Fun & Games
Sony suffers second data breach

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Sony suffers second data breach with theft of 25m more user details @ Technology |

The crisis at Sony deepened on Tuesday as it admitted that an extra 25 million customers who played games on its Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) PC games network have had their personal details stolen – and that they were taken before the theft of 77 million peoples’ details on the PlayStation Network (PSN).

The electronics giant said the names, addresses, emails, birth dates, phone numbers and other information from PC games customers were stolen from its servers as well as an “outdated database” from 2007 which contained details of around 23,400 people outside the US. That includes 10,700 direct debit records for customers in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, Sony said.

The dataset was stolen on 16 and 17 April, before the PSN break-in, which occurred from 17 to 19 April. Sony said that it had not previously thought that the data was copied by the hackers who broke into its systems.

…Sony declined to testify in person in front of a US congressional hearing, but agreed to respond to questions on how consumer private data is protected by businesses in a letter on Tuesday, said a spokesman for Mary Bono Mack, a Republican Congresswoman from California, who is leading the hearing.

A few people in the comments of our previous posts regarding Sony’s woes were mistakenly “convinced” the problems Sony is having had something to do with “makers” who wanted to run linux on their PlayStations (Sony sold this as a feature and then took it away later) – but it’s pretty obvious that Sony’s problems have nothing to do with this.

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