Gadget Freak “Scream Fest Edition”

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Gadget Freak “Scream Fest Edition”

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Our pals at DesignNews have a round up of all their electronics projects in their Gadget Freak “Scream Fest Edition”. They’re also running a contest too, so if you enter the MAKE contest, enter theirs too.

Spooky Sound Generator
Give the little witches and warlocks a real trick when they come clamoring for treats on Halloween with this doorbell-activated sound track. With a moderate hack of a cassette player and a roof-mounted speaker, you’ll have trick-or-treaters scattering in every direction at the first blood-curdling scream.

Lightning Strobe
Create an instant dark and stormy night at your house on Halloween with this photoflash strobe project. Sync up a thunder audio track with the common strobe design and impress your stuffy neighbors with some very uncommon special effects.

Flickering LED Pumpkin Light
Carved pumpkins and Halloween go together, but why risk the hazard of a lit candle in an unattended squash? Produce a realistic, flickering flame effect with this timer circuit driving two, ultra-bright orange LEDs. Your local fire department will applaud you!

Fading LED Monster Eyes
Partial to things that go bump in the night? Create your own creature extraordinaire with this circuit, which slowly illuminates and fades a pair of red LEDs for a chilling optical effect. Pair it up with a stuffed moose head for a particularly memorable special effect this Halloween.

Gadget Freak Scream Fest Edition – Link.


  • MAKE Halloween projects – Link.
  • MAKE Halloween archives – Link.

Enter the MAKE & CRAFT Contests!
Makers and Crafters, it’s time to enter our ghoulishly fun Halloween contests! Anyone, anywhere can enter, and depending on what type of maker or crafter you are, you can enter all or just some of the contests – Link.

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