Hackerspace Happenings: Interactive Show at NYCR and GGHSC Finals

Hackerspace Happenings: Interactive Show at NYCR and GGHSC Finals

NYC Resistor Interactive Show on May 7th

NYCR will be hosting our super duper Interactive Show. The theme this year is ANYTHING INTERACTIVE. That’s right, ANYTHING… INTERACTIVE. That includes people, peoples! Music? Yeah, we got it. Blinking lights? hello? c’mon, you know we got that covered! Stabby things? Why do you think we have an 18+ policy?

So come and be creative, come and grab a drink, come and meet the Resistors. Screw it, it’s a Saturday night and we like to have an excuse for a blow out kind of party so just come! $10 tickets in advance, $15 tickets at the door.

Great Global Hackerspace Challenge Begins to Wrap Up

Very soon the 28 (or so) hackerspaces participating in the Great Global Hackerspace Challenge will be reduced to a handful of finalists. The above video, by folks at Vienna, Austria’s Metalab hackerspace, demonstrates their project. Good luck to all participants, and we look forward to seeing the results!

Reno (NV) Makerspace Gearing Up

The Reno Makerspace is a community workshop that is in the ORGANIZING stages of organization. The planning has been happening for the last couple months and we’re ready to get incorporated and find a warehouse to make things in.

The community workshop will be a place for the community to build, learn and teach machining, manufacturing, DIY electronics, woodworking, metalsmithing, robotics, programming, art and more.

Interested in being a part of something awesome? Want to make stuff? Just want to find out more? Attend the next organizational meeting:

Wednesday, May 4
6:30pm – 9:00pm
The Reno Collective
522 Lander Street, Reno NV
Reno Makerspace on Facebook

Maker Faire Info Meeting & Signup @ i3 Detroit

Detroit Maker Faire may be 88 days away but the call to makers ends in less than 30. It’s time to dust off that keyboard and post your entry.

At our next member meeting on Tuesday (5/3 @ 7:30 pm) we will have a representative from the Maker Faire Team to give us some background on this year’s event and to help with any questions you might have on signing up.

i3 Detroit already has a number of projects in the works both group and individual. We will have details on those at the event as well.

Solid State Startups & Algorithms for Fun Classes at Hacker Dojo

A couple of fun-sounding classes are being held tonight at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA: Solid State Startups and Algorithms for Fun.

Help NESIT Build an Alarm System

NESIT (New England Society of Information and Technology) in Meriden, CT, is organizing a Pledgie campaign to help finance an alarm system for the space.

As many of you know NESIT was recently burglarized resulting in many items belonging to NESIT and members being stolen. To help prevent this from ever happening again we would like to raise funds to purchase the most advanced state of the art alarm system we can afford. Your donation will directly support this cause and any funds collected will go toward this goal.

Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings will run weekly Tuesdays, and the next one will come out May 10th.

Discuss this article with the rest of the community on our Discord server!

My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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