Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Hackerspace Happenings will run weekly Tuesdays.
The Distributed Clone Factory at Metrix Create:Space
The Distributed Clone Factory is starting its engines, and is now producing parts. We will be shipping molds to those who have pre-ordered by the first week of march. For those of you on the subscription, you will get your updates to your molds the first week of April.
If you are interested in building a repstrap to bootstrap the RepRap project, or are just looking for the quickest and most cost effective way to start 3D printing, you need a clonedel. For the uninitiated, it is a fork of the Prusa Mendel, optimized for easy casting and updated by the UW Solheim lab and Metrix Create:Space. This project is fully Open Source, and is designed to be both the fast track and the cheap track to 3D Printing.If you are a hackerspace or robot club and want to start producing clonedels for your members or want to start holding 3D printer workshops, you need a set of molds. You can pour a full clondel set in about an hour.
ARISSat-1: The Amateur Microsatellite at HeatSynch Labs
Steven Bible from TAPR will be presenting on the ARISSat-1, an amateur microsatellite launched in January from the International Space Station–that is to say, from space! The satellite will downlink live SSTV images from four on-board cameras as well as 24 greetings in 15 languages on the FM voice frequency 145.95 MHz. The BPSK-1000 sig downlinks as SSB on 145.920 MHz. Telemetry and amateur radio call signs of those instrumental in amateur radio in space will be transmitted at 145.919 MHz. For the amateur radio operators there is a 16kHz wide transponder for two-way contacts. All of the transmissions and receivers use newly created software defined radio technology.
All HeatSync Labs meetings are open to the public for free; Cover charges are for Scottsdale night clubs! If you really want to give us money though, t-shirts, membership subscriptions, and Make: magazine subscriptions will be available and hustled aggressively by our Board of Directors.
Hack42 Opens in Arnhem, the Netherlands
Translation via Google…
The area of 200 m2 is arranged as Hack42 Foundation hacker space, a place where people with common interests in science, technology, digital and electronic art can meet to equipment, tools and knowledge to share and things. Besides the three workshops, an audio studio, reading room and a lounge with bar, there is room made for a museum of classical computer and telephony hardware.
Minneapolis Mini Maker Faire at the Hack Factory
I would like to announce that we have selected Sat. April 9th to be the date for this years Mini Maker Faire. The Faire will take place from noon until 5pm and there will likely be some sort of after party. Mark your calendars!
This is also a Call for Makers. We need you to fill tables at our event. If you’d like to request a table please e-mail jtbarclay@gmail.com with a description, link, and/or photos of what you’d be presenting. Also include your table size and power requirements. Since the Hack Factory has filled up quite a bit since last year, space is at a premium. We are working with our landlord to free up some extra space for the weekend, but tables will be limited. If needed, table selections may be a juried process.
iOS Programming at Alpha One Labs
Do you know Objective-C? Do you know any C? If the answer is no to either of these, then definitely start here. This class ramps up very well for a beginner and covers most of what you’d need to know to make a complete application from design to delivery.
Lock Picking Class at Unallocated Space
Unallocated Space is holding a lockpicking class this Wednesday.