Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings runs weekly(ish) Tuesday(i)s(h).
Hopefully you already know about Safecast – they are a group of hackers and volunteers who are working to map radiation levels in Japan after the 3/11 earthquake earlier this year and providing all the data freely and openly for anyone to use. In doing this they realized the need for this kind of data outside of Japan as well and are teaming up with some hackerspaces to help fill in other areas around the world on their map!
The main way they are taking these measurements is with a device designed at The Tokyo Hackerspace called a “bGeigie” – it’s basically a geiger counter paired with an arduino and a GPS module which gets strapped to a car and driven around. Starting with the US (if this experiment works we’ll add the rest of the world soon) we have the idea of doing a bGeigie Hackerspace tour. The plan is, one bGeigie will make it’s way around the country, from hackerspace to hackerspace, measuring and mapping all the way. For a hackerspace to participate, the agreement would be to drive the device around your city taking a ton of readings, uploading the data to Safecast, and then physically driving (taking readings along the way) the bGeigie to the next closest participant. Ideally this will start and end in Los Angeles here at Crash Space, so with any luck the route will be a big giant loop. Depending on who volunteers.
Is your space interested in participating? fill out this form.
HackMiami is Now a For-Profit LLC
A lot of spaces in the U.S. have chosen to ditch the bureaucracy-laden NFP angle in place of a LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) filing, which is quicker and simpler. Hackmiami announced that they have done the same,
This is an official annoucement. HackMiami Inc has been dissolved as a non-profit entity and has been reinstated as an LLC. We have made this move so it will be easier for us to provide services to those who need them. We will be adding a page with services offered on the site shortly.
Hackupy: Hackerspaces in the Occupy Movement
Sounds like some hackerspaces are contributing to the Occupy movement, and a hackerspaces.org page has been set up to coordinate.
Lighting Talks at Mesa, Arizona’s HeatSync Labs
Hot Topics is our unfortunately named lightning talks series modeled on events like Ignite, Ted, and Noisebridge’s Five Minutes of Fame. Talks are <5 minutes and generally revolve around creation and hackerspace culture.
The talks will take place tomorrow, November 11th at 7pm.
Create Your Own Lockpicks Class at Cincinnati’s Hive13
The Lock Forensic group at Hive13 is having a class to show you how to create your own high quality metal bogota style pick set. The study of locks and lock picking is fascinating. A bogota style lockpick has a backend that can also work like a tension wrench. We will be making 2 of these style picks in the class. The two stiles will be the half diamond and the hook. If time permits we will have templates to make some more advanced designs (such as the actual bogota). We will also have lots of test and progressive locks to test our your new lock picks on as well as a quick demo on how to picks locks if you haven’t yet.
The class will take place Thursday, November 17th, from 6:30-8:30.
Open House at Huntsville, AL’s Makers Local 256
Come celebrate the last binary day with Makers Local 256 during our Open House on Friday, November 11 at 6 o-clock. Our doors are always open but on the 11th we will have many of our projects on display, a go-kart, 3D printers, a vacuum form table, a solar food dryer and much more. We’ll also be serving hot gumbo. Donations Welcome.
DARPA Cyber Fast Track Lecture at Seattle’s Metrix Create:Space
Put Saturday, November 19th on your Calendar. At 2PM, Peter Zatko, AKA Mudge, a hacker and Program Manager at DARPA’s innovation program, will be going over their new funding program, Cyber Fast Track here at Metrix Create:Space.
If you saw the Blackhat Keynote, or read the Slashdot post about it, you may know that DARPA is looking to get lighter, faster, and cheaper by reaching out to the hackerspace/makerspace communities.
Vancouver Hack Space’s Super Happy Hacker House

Hear ye hear ye. All countrymen and ladies are welcome to attend the VHS biquarterly event known as the Super Happy Hacker House. This event is the XVIII SHHH, and will celebrate summer hacking in the glorious City of Vancouver.
Bring your ideas, smiles and good friends down to VHS to celebrate with the hacking masses. It has also been designated as a binary beverage night. Bring your own binary beverage of choice.
The event is this Friday, November 11th, at 7:30pm-1am, at Vancouver Hack Space. (The timelapse is from a previous SHHH.)