Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings runs weekly(ish) Tuesday(i)s(h).
We’ll have some phat beats dropping and mad costumes. We’ll also entertain serious discussions about how awesome Jurassic Park was, your favorite molecule, and hopefully… HOPEFULLY someone does the ninja rap, Go ninja go ninja GO!
The thing that makes this event extra exciting is it coincides with Ted’s 40th birthday. This means two things for you: free booze (thanks Ted!), and an excuse to heckle an old man about his age, you ungrateful people!
To cap it all off, we’ll be making ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Yeah, you read that right. LIQUID.NITROGEN. Insanely fast, insanely cold. What more do you need to know? Go get your calendar right now and put a bit ol’ circle in the shape of a pumpkin around the 29th!
RSVP at the Facebook event page.
Hacky Halloween in Kitchener-Waterloo, ON’s Kwartzlab
See the post on kwartzlab.ca for more information.
Hackerspace Starting in Pensacola, Florida
We are trying to get the word out about our makerspace/hackerspace that is starting up in Pensacola, FL. We have had a few meetings now. The next one is Sat. the 29th at 6:00 as Ozones Pizza Pub in Pensacola. We will be meeting every two weeks for a while. Our tentative website is makerspacepensacola.com.
New Co-Working Space in Brooklyn
3rd Ward’s Co-Working space has opened, and will be having a open house on Thursday, November 10th.
Our 30,000 sq ft space is where ideas happen. The 3rd Ward membership base consists of freelancers, entrepreneurs, and wide-eyed newbies who cover nearly every creative field, including: photography, advertising, furniture design, graphic design, literary writing, computer programming, filmmaking, industrial design, fashion design, architecture, and more.
The brand-new coworking space is centrally located and optimized for the cross-pollination of diverse ideas. Sit at a quiet dedicated desk with ample storage and natural light. Meet with clients and investors in the beautiful and comfortable conference room. Take advantage of the superfast wi-fi, printer, scanner, and mail and reception services. Meet other Members at one of our networking events, gallery shows, or lectures.
This is coworking for a new economy that values not the widgets you make, but the ideas you generate. At 3rd Ward, a social entrepreneur can partner with a circuitry genius. A 3D motion graphics artist can collaborate with an innovative jeweler. A web developer can discover an unexpected solution by experimenting in a welding class. We’re open 16 hours a day, seven days a week and are always a hive of activity.
Dallas Makerspace Open House
Remember, remember the 5th of November. No, we’re not plotting regicide, it’s the Dallas Makerspace 2nd Annual Open House! This is our first open house at our new location, and we want to show off all four thousand square feet off it. We have a lot of projects to show off, activities to partake in, classes to learn from, and food to eat; so come on out, bring your friends and family.
The doors open at 1pm Saturday, November 5th and will stay open until we’re too tired to talk (probably around midnight). As we confirm projects, activities and classes we will be updating the 2011 Open House page on our wiki, so keep checking back.