We really enjoyed organizing the MAKE & CRAFT Halloween Contest this year. We’ve already shown you the winners, but thought we’d share more about the sweet prizes. I got to pack up the goodies and snapped a few pictures before the FedEx guy picked them up. Thanks to all who entered the contest! Above: 1st place in food, awarded to Marc Brownlow for his Skull Truffles.
- Eye-Fi Mobile X2 SD card SD card
- GarrettWade kitchen shears
- Dremel pumpkin carving tool
- Panavise PV Jr. (201)
- Cooking for Geeks book
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate
Grand prize in tech, awarded to Keith Corcoran for this Scary Ticket Booth build.
- Dremel 3000 rotary tool
- Cool Neon Arduino shield with 5x5ft presoldered sections of 5mm highbright long-life EL wire
- GarretWade field electrician’s knife
- Panavise 350
- Make: Electronics book
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate
Grand prize in craft, awarded to Jordan Olsen for the Business Lizard and Brief Case Diorama.
- SINGER Futura XL-400 sewing and embroidery machine with bonus AutoPunch and Advanced Editing software
- GarrettWade dressmaker’s scissors
- CRAFT box set
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate
1st place in costume went to Kiersten for these “They Live” Alien Masks.
- SINGER 4423 Heavy Duty sewing machine
- GarrettWade 5.5" sewing scissors
- Panavise PV Jr. (201)
- CRAFT box set
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate
1st place in props went to Mini Gun Madness by Doug & Gloria Desrochers.
- GarrettWade Japanese saws with canvas case
- Dremel pumpkin carving tool
- Panavise PV Jr. (201)
- Tulip prize pack picked out by the Crafty Chica
- Getting Started With Arduino kit and book
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate
The winner of 1st place in decor was Eric Albertson for his Asian Fortress facade tutorial.
- Cool Neon 25 pixel total control lighting kit
- GarrettWade push drill
- Dremel pumpkin carving tool
- Panavise PV Jr. (201)
- Maker’s Notebook
- $50 Maker Shed gift certificate