Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings runs weekly(ish) Tuesday(i)s(h).
Mad Engineer’s Ball at Toronto’s Site 3 CoLabatory
Site 3 will be throwing a Halloween party on Friday, October 28th. Sign up on the Facebook event page.
Our first halloween costume party! Prizes for the best costumes complete with oversized category. $5 cover at the door, food and drinks upstairs. This years theme is the Mad Engineer. This is the place you want to be for halloween.
Paper Making Workshop at Detroit’s OCD
Come check out OMNICORPDETROIT Nov. 9 and make paper!! We’ll use natural dyes, recycled materials and do some DIY experimenting of our own. Bring your paper the following week and bind yourself a book!
Halloween Party at Chicago’s Pumping Station: One
Date: Saturday, October 29th 2011
Time: 9pm – whenever
Place: 3354 N. Elston (Pumping Station: One)
Come join us for some ghoulishly fun festivities. Food and drink will be provided.
Beaver Dam Makerspace Forming
If you’re near Beaver Dam, WI, and looking to check out the hackerspace scene, folks are starting one and looking for members.
Open Hardware Breakfast & Panel Discussion in NYC
Do you have an idea for an open hardware startup? Have lots of questions about the right strategy, protecting your IP, raising Angel or Venture funding? Join us for breakfast and get answers to those questions and many more from our two experts – a serial entrepreneur /investor and an IP attorney.
Bob Pasker, CTO-in-Residence, Accel Partners
http://www.linkedin.com/in/rbpaskerKelsey Nix
IP Partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kelsey-nix/17/918/310Wednesday, November 2, 2011
8:30 – 10:00 AMHosted by:
The New York City Investment Fund
One Battery Park Plaza, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004RSVP required at events@nyctechconnect.com.
October Show and Tell at Birmingham, UK’s FizzPOP
Along side the usual maker sessions, where we get together to work on individual projects, we want to create some more opportunities for local makers to collaborate. So, we’re going to try making the last maker session of each month a “show and tell” where you can find out what other makers have been working on and talk about your own tinkering. We want these sessions to be relaxed and informal and to encourage members on the mailing list who maybe haven’t been to a fizzPOP event before to come along and get involved.
Freeduino Workshop and Sumobot Tournament at Louisville’s LVL1
Learn soldering and basic Arduino programming in this workshop. The cost of this workshop also covers the materials cost for a freeduino microcontroller kit. Your assembled Freeduino is yours to keep! Use the vast open resources of the Arduino community to come up with your own electronic applications. This workshop is intended to teach you necessary skills for further exploration in the world of Arduino.
also at LVL1:
LVL1′s 2nd annual Sumobot tournament will be on October 29th, 2011, 8PM at 814e Broadway (our home). There will be a Halloween party following the fun – costumes are encouraged! All are welcome to join in the festivities. You may even get to see the world famous fire breathing pony, Buttercup! You now have a month to build your bot.