Hardware Startup Panel at SXSW - Make: Hardware Startup Panel at SXSW - Make:

Hardware Startup Panel at SXSW

Hardware Startup Panel at SXSW
Dale Dougherty and Liam Casey, founder and CEO of PCH International, discuss the new hardware landscape at the Hardware Innovation Workshop.

Hardware is hot! In the past few weeks, there have been articles about the hardware startup resurgence in both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. And then, of course, there was MAKE’s very own Hardware Innovation Workshop.

I’m part of a SXSW panel being put together to discuss this new landscape. I’ll be joining Nick Pinkston of CloudFab, Renee DiResta of OATV, and Rachal Kalmar of DIY Sensors.  It should be a good discussion. We’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to vote for the panel here: http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/4511


Everyone talks about software, so this panel will look at how to launch a HARDWARE company. Conventional wisdom is that hardware is hard, but there’s a growing community of makers turning their ideas into businesses, and a proliferation of resources to help them do it. Panel experts will discuss their experience at each step of the process, from initial idea to fundraising to taking the product to market.

Questions Answered

  1. How do I take my hardware idea and build a business?
  2. What’s the best way to take a hardware product to market?
  3. What resources can I use to fund my idea? How do you craft an effective Kickstarter campaign?
  4. Should I do an incubator program? Which one?
  5. What are the pitfalls and lessons-learned that I should know about hardware entrepreneurship?

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Co-Founder of OpenROV, a community of DIY ocean explorers and makers of low-cost underwater robots. Author of Zero to Maker. And on Twitter!

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