Ghosts of Halloween has a good how-to on making simple extended arms and hands for your costume(s) – “While messing around with our new costumes (black cloaks with a hidden face) I kept thinking about how at Knott’s Scary Farm they have these guys that are about 10 feet tall with really long arms. I grabbed the tubing from gift wrapping paper put them under the costume and up to my sholders straight out. Paul and Jeff thought that looked lame and suggested that I use them as arms. We have latex skeleton gloves that we put onto the end of the tubes. Hence it made my arms look longer. After we fiddled around with sizes we noticed that just having it a foot longer was only needed to make it look very freaky. Anything abnormal really makes a difference.
We are going to buy 1″ PVC tubes cut then into 2 foot lengths for the arms. (The PCV is 2 feet long because we are going to strap a foot of them to our wrists so we don’t have to hold them the whole time) For the hands we are going to bend Wire (coat hangers) into fingers, then spray foam onto them. We’ll mold them a little more before they dry. After we attach the hands to the pvc (arms) We’ll paint them black (unless they look better that foam colored yellow) Then drape black cloth over the arms. Whammo, we now have entended arms.” – Link.
Enter the MAKE & CRAFT Contests!
- Makers and Crafters, it’s time to enter our ghoulishly fun Halloween contests! Anyone, anywhere can enter, and depending on what type of maker or crafter you are, you can enter all or just some of the contests – Link.