How-To: Quick And Easy Star Wars Masks on Headbands - Make: How-To: Quick And Easy Star Wars Masks on Headbands - Make:

How-To: Quick And Easy Star Wars Masks on Headbands


Filth Wizardry once again shows her brilliance with this great use of headbands as a way to wear printable masks. She used the awesome old school masks that are available for download on the Star Wars web site, some sticky back shelf liner paper and headbands to create these easy-to-wear and durable masks for her kids. I love that they fit and wear so easily and can then be flipped up and work like a headband when kids want a break from behind the mask. Brilliant!

CRAFT Halloween Contest
Inspired to craft something for Halloween? Be sure to enter it in our CRAFT Halloween contest to win cool prizes. Costumes, decor, food – whatever you create for Halloween is welcome in the contest. Read our full contest page for all the details. Deadline to enter is November 2.

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