Minoo Hersini, an event planner, interior decorator, floral designer, and fashion designer, has come up with some clever ways to use vegetables, grasses, and fruit to make your centerpieces unique, beautiful, and cheap. She uses everything from radishes to green tomatoes to fancy beans to grasses to artichokes.
Her stuff looks amazing, but I wondered if that was just because she does this sort of thing for a living. I decided to test my skill and recruited my husband to help out. We headed to the produce section of the local grocery store chain to buy whatever struck our fancy and then tried our hands at making fabulous centerpieces out of the purchases.
Our choices included Pink Lady apples (which we forgot to use and later ate!), radishes, Swiss chard, kale, bok choy, cranberries, Brussel sprouts, carrots, and peppers in 3 colors. And yes, we are now having stir fry for dinner tonight!
We’re pleased with the results, and it was fun and easy to do. Bonus! If you do a centerpiece for your table, please post a link in the Comments, or offer up your ideas for inexpensive tricks!