Ignite is an event where folks give 5-minute talks. Get your dose of distilled awesomeness on Wednesday in NYC:
IgniteNYC partners with the New York Television Festival on September 23rd for a night of speedy presentations with FREE Stella Artois & yummy Chipotle tacos.
Speakers include:
* Charlie Todd of ImprovEverywhere.com
* Andrew Baron of Rocketboom + Mag.ma
* TED’s Film + Video Director and co-creator Jason Wishnow
* Dina Kaplan & Justin Day of Blip.tv
* Ian Spector of chucknorrisfacts.com
More speakers to be announced soon. Follow @ignitenyc on Twitter to hear the announcements! Free tickets available now. RSVP now on Facebook or Eventbrite.
Wednesday, September 23, 7pm
New World Stages
340 West 50th Street, NYC