Are you going to Austin for SXSW? A MAKE crew is headed out March 8-15 for the Interactive portion of the festivities, and will be involved in a variety of events. We’d love to connect if you’re going to be there.
The best shortcut to tracking MAKE at SXSW will be to follow #makesxsw on Twitter, but here’s an outline of our plans:
• All week long a Make: Live crew will be livestreaming from a portable Teradeck Bond backback rig. Watch for updates from MAKE contributors Sean Ragan, Brookelynn Morris, Adam Flaherty, and Sabrina Merlo.
• Saturday 3/10: We’re helping out our friends at Frog Design Saturday night, doing some making at their (and Microsoft’s) ginormous SXSWi opening party. Frog is known for their fantastic, large-scale interactive environments built especially for this party, and we’ll be interviewing Frog’s senior maker, Jared Ficklin, about this year’s projects, both on Thursday at the Frog shop and then during the party Saturday night.
• Monday 3/12, 3:30-4:30 CST: Make: Live will be hosting a SXSW Maker Show and Tell video podcast at the Driskill Hotel. If you’re registered for SXSW, do bring a project and show it off! (RSVP to minimakerfaire@oreilly.com).
• Monday 3/12, 12:30- 1:30 CST: Tim O’Reilly on “Create More Value Than You Capture,” Ballroom D at the Austin Convention Center.
• Tuesday 3/13: Dorkbot is holding a special SXSW edition all day on Tuesday, and MAKE will be there.
• Monday 3/12 – Thursday 3/15: We’ll be teaching soldering, running demos, and author meet-ups at the O’Reilly Media / MAKE booth in Exhibit Halls 3 & 4 on the first floor of the Austin Convention Center. Come by and get some special MAKE swag, meet local makers Ethan Reesor, Francis Holland, Dr. Bleep, and more.
• Throughout the event, we’ll be running “alt.SXSW” content here on Makezine, looking at the festival and its offerings from a maker’s POV.
And of course there will more by the minute—it’s SXSW! Follow #makesxsw, @make and @makerfaire.
If you’re going, we’d love more intel on what you think is going to be great: panels, parties, exhibits, shows. Please share tips and fun times here in comments.