Announcing MakeNYC2’s May Meeting (#2) – un-Maker Faire!
Part 1: un-Make Faire
Learn to put things together by taking things apart ! One way to learn how to make your own creations is by studying other similar things that are all around you. (And anyway, you know you’ve always been curious about how your CD-ROMs work…)
By taking old and busted stuff apart, we don’t have to worry about putting it back together, we don’t need no stinking diagrams and manuals, and if we see any bits we like, we get to keep them.
Soo….. if you have anything at all that’s:
A) old & broken
B) might be interesting to see the inside of
C) belongs to you (do not bring you friend’s shiny new iPhone)
bring it down on Wed for a bit of fun destructive / instructive show-n-tell.
We will supply all the tools you might need, space to work, and people who can explain what some of the bits inside are all about, and how to get at them. If you don’t have anything interesting to take apart, come down anyway, we have a pile of things here for you to work on.
Do not bring old refrigerators – they’re too big and there’s nothing interesting in them. Washing machines are interesting, but still too big – you’ll have to work on them on your own. Toys, printers, camcorders, VCRs, DVD players, walkmen, and other stuff like that is very good. Optical mice are pretty boring, but mechanical mice are very cool to peek inside and figure out.
Part 2: Show-and-Tell
Bring stuff you made and tell everybody about it. Win fabulous prizes!
Since you’re going to be all tired from taking things apart, we will provide free pizza and soda to get you re-energized and keep you going strong!
Even more information is at: http://www.makenyc2.org and please contact
us for any other questions, suggestions about this meeting, about the
group in general, or anything else that puzzles you.