(2011 RI Mini Maker Faire photo by Carolyn Fahm)
Once again, the Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire is coming to Providence, and it’s exactly one month away. The call to makers is open, so if you’ve got something amazing you’d like to show off, please hit that link.
This year, we’ll be embedded in AS220‘s Foo Fest (despite the similar name, no relation to Foo Camp). Foo Fest is a yearly fundraiser/block party held on Empire Street in Providence. (It started out life as the Fool’s Ball, and as the date drifted further away from April Fools’ Day, the name evolved.)
There’s no additional charge to attend the RI Mini Maker Faire, and Foo Fest’s admission will probably be in the $5-$10 range.
The RI Mini Maker Faire will be indoors at the Pell Chafee Performance Center, 87 Empire St., Providence, RI, 02903. 1pm-10pm on August 11, 2012. Hope to see you there!