Upcoming classes @ the Hacktory, Philadelphia, PA –
Arduino – On Saturday, April 26, the Hacktory will offer its popular Intro to Arduino for Artists and Makers course, which demonstrates the use of the Arduino, an open-source physical computing platform (www.arduino.cc), and its applications in interactive art and DIY electronic projects. Students will connect a variety of sensors (light, temperature, sound, etc.) to the Arduino microcontroller and use them to control a motor, LEDs, and other mechanical devices. All materials will be provided as a kit (including the Arduino, a power supply, and a great selection of components for experimenting). The cost for the class is $200 ($75 for the kit and $125 for instruction and workshop time). Lunch is included.
Brain Machine – On Saturday, May 10, inventor Mitch Altman will lead a low-cost workshop in the construction of the Brain Machine, a microcontroller-driven device that can induce meditative states. Built into a pair of glasses and an inexpensive headset, the Brain Machine pulses light from LEDs and sound in a cycle that mimics the sequence of the brain’s frequencies as it goes into deep meditation and reawakens. The cost of the class, including all materials, is $40 for class enrollment up to 12 students; if more than 12 enroll, the cost of the class will be $25.
Max/MSP – Brian Crabtree of Monome will teach the basics of the graphical programming environment Max/MSP in four class sessions beginning Tuesday, June 17, 2008. Max, an application that allows users to create their own software, can be combined with its sister application, MSP, and hardware, such as sensors and actuators, to create multimedia projects incorporating music, video, sculpture, installation, performance, sound art, data visualization, and more. Students will learn how to make basic patches (programs), how to combine technologies, and how to apply Max/MSP to a broad range of computing projects. No prior experience with Max or computer programming is required, but basic computer and digital media production skills are highly recommended. Instruction and lab fees for the course are $250.
The Hacktory
1524 Brandywine Street
Philadelphia PA 19130
Phone: 267.687.9996